Sunday, October 4, 2009

Nice going, New York Times

Can't stop at the post below, now that I notice that the Times has not only managed to create a "fierce battle between the generations" within AARP but has also managed to win the story a place in the top-ten emailed category. And it's swill! Never a mention of how everyone in every other industrialized country has health care without any age group having to give up any part of their care. And every other country spends at the very most (Switzerland) 61 percent of what we spend per person. Why is that? BECAUSE THE INSURANCE COMPANIES ARE ALLOWED TO STEAL MONEY FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Simple? Yes. So why can't the Times tell us this? Why can't it include the information on how other countries manage to provide health care at such a low cost in every health care news story? This, as Bob Somerby says, is the way it is in North Korea. People aren't allowed to know what is happening in the rest of the world. Does the Times think they publish in North Korea? Or is there something else going on? You tell me.

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